Amazon Music or Amazon Music Unlimited is a premium music subscription service from Amazon. It includes multiple features like access to 60 million songs, advanced Alexa music controls, and exclusive content.
You can cancel Amazon Music via website. To do it you need to go to and sign in. To sign in click on the “Sign in” link at the top menu of the website.

You will see a login page. Enter your Amazon account credentials and click “Sign in” button.

Once you logged in you will see home page. Click on “Hello, your name” link at the top of the page. You will see a menu with available options pop up as shown below.

Click on “Your Memberships & Subscriptions” link to manage all your subscriptions including Amazon Music Unlimited.

Look for the “Amazon Music Unlimited” in a list of your subscription and “Manage subscription” link under it. Click on “Manage subscription”.

To proceed with Amazon Music Unlimited cancelation, click on “Go to Amazon Music Unlimited Settings” under “Advanced controls”.

Make sure that “Amazon Music Unlimited” section is opened by clicking on the arrow next to it.

You will see the next page where you can tell why exactly you are canceling your Amazon Music subscription. Choose the reason and click “Submit and continue to cancel” or just click on “No, I don’t want to provide feedback. Please cancel my subscription” to cancel the subscription right away.